Yet there are those years that I feel I have learnt something. Life in that one year has taught me something. I have let go of a habit. I have buried a grudge that I held. Or at a minimum I learn I will never try cooking like my mum at high speed because it means my kitchen looks a WW2 battle ground. But jokes aside, this year I have learnt some things. I have learnt that even the deepest pain will diminish. I have learnt some people will always be malicious. And the best part, I have learnt I need to give my dreams a fair chance before throwing them out. While I am still waiting for some bonds to reform, new ones bring joy, share fun and delight to a tattered soul. I thank you for all the love, support, guidance and compassion you have shown me. This means more than I can ever say or show.
So as I shared my new year with you and celebrated it with my painting called Time, I now share with you my birthday. All I ask is that on this day that I was born, you say a prayer to those that need hope on this day, bid farewell to those that pass on this day and give a warm welcome to the new arrivals.
Happy Birthday, fellow Aquarian! What a lovely birthday wish, I think I'll keep that in mind next week my bday rolls around. And if I had any rainbow colored cake in the house, I would eat it in your honor.